SOSE is a great place to work, and it is a great opportunity, so when the roles are advertised, I would encourage young people to apply.
Imogen Heard, former apprentice, Digital Media Officer, SOSEJobs, apprenticeships, internships
Looking for a job, apprenticeship or internship at SOSE? Find out the best ways to keep up-to-date on opportunities that arise.
Job vacancies
For current job opportunities, see Job Vacancies.
Modern Apprenticeships give anyone over the age of 16 the opportunity to work in a paid job, while undertaking workplace training to gain
new skills and recognised qualifications. SOSE has offered opportunities to several modern apprentices, and also supported companies in recruiting apprentices.
If you would like to be notified of opportunities that come up, please get in touch.
Hear from our interns about their experiences at SOSE