Annual report and accounts front page

SOSE assists 1,300 organisations in latest annual report and accounts



We worked with and supported 1,300 businesses, social enterprises and community groups in the last financial year. 

The figures are included in our latest annual report and accounts, which highlight the investments and impacts the region’s community and economic development agency has made during the year which runs from April 2023 to March 2024. 

SOSE’s annual report and accounts are available by clicking here.   

SOSE support for South

  • Of the 1,300 enterprises which SOSE engaged with and supported, 152 received grants which totalled £9.2million.  
  • This was an increase on the 1,100 enterprises engaged with during 2022/23. 
  • SOSE’s activities also helped safeguard 1,316 jobs and create 377 posts. 
  • SOSE made significant investments of £13.7m into business and community enterprises, and a further £5.7m into 48 strategic projects to help transform the region. 

6As achievements

The 2023/24 report highlights how SOSE has met key goals and objectives, in line with the 6As in its Five Year Plan: 

  • Accelerating Net Zero and nature-positive solutions 

Ø  Launching £1m Net Zero Accelerator Fund 

Ø  Being named Scotland’s Natural Capital Innovation Zone 

  • Advocating Fair Work and Equality 

Ø  Provided one-to-one support to 62 female and 24 youth-led businesses 

Ø  Launched Youth Advisory Forum 

  • Activating and Empowering Enterprising Communities 

Ø  Support for 15 new or improved income-generating community assets 

Ø  34 community enterprises and nine charities supported 

  • Attracting Ambitious Investment 

Ø  £6.7m worth of inward investment brought to South of Scotland 

Ø  £19.2m worth of funding leveraged for the South 

  • Awakening Entrepreneurial Talent 

Ø  61 start-up workshops delivered by Business Gateway Scottish Borders 

Ø  Created £24,000 Women and Young People Enterprise Scheme, supporting 25 businesses 

  • Advancing Innovation and Improving Productivity 

Ø  106 clients supported to innovate 

Ø  Funding of £7.5m to support 115 businesses to deliver innovation, new product development, business expansion, efficiency, and productivity improvements.

SOSE Chief Executive Jane Morrison-Ross said: 

“SOSE continued to work hard to deliver on our goals and ambitions in 2023/24. Having launched in 2020 we are determined to make the South of Scotland a rural economic powerhouse and a fair, green and flourishing place for all.

“Measuring the impact of what we do is key and we now have a baseline set of data to be measured against. We are working to capture innovative measures on wellbeing and generational return alongside the harder data.

“As expected, 2024/25 is proving to be a challenging year for all of us but we are absolutely committed to delivering success for the economy, environment and communities in the South of Scotland.’”

Russel Griggs OBE, Chair of SOSE, added:  

“While our accounts show the level of funding we provide, I am becoming increasingly convinced that a lot of our best help is coming in the form of advice, advocacy, expertise and focus on key infrastructure issues like housing.

“The expertise and knowledge we have through our staff is helping us to build lasting relationships with our communities and businesses.  

“While a challenging time, every one of the SOSE team is committed to meeting the ambitions of the South - at the same time as continuing to help communities, businesses, social enterprises and all of the people of the South to thrive, grow and fulfil the potential we know the region has.”