Businesses encouraged to apply for Coronavirus Business Support Fund as new closing date is set by Scottish Government
Businesses across Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders are being encouraged to apply for available business support grants through the two Councils following the recent announcement of a closing date of 10 July by Scottish Government.
The Government funds have had their eligibility criteria extended and now includes tenants and occupiers of shared spaces who lease the space from a registered ratepayer as well as companies occupying multiple premises with a cumulative value of more than £51,000.
The Scottish Government also announced on 2 June, a £3million support fund for B&B and other Small Serviced Accommodation businesses who do not have a business bank account and have not been able to access support through other schemes. This fund opened to applications on 15 June.
Depute Leader of Dumfries and Galloway Council, Rob Davidson said: “We are committed to ensuring eligible businesses know how and what they need to do to benefit from the money being made available by Scottish Government. With the criteria recently being extended, businesses who were perhaps not eligible before, may well be now and we don’t want any businesses to miss out. Please take the time to look at the website or contact any of the partners if you need help.”
Councillor Mark Rowley, Scottish Borders Council’s Executive Member for Business and Economic Development said: “Following the Scottish Government’s decision to move forward the closing date it is even more important for any local businesses that are eligible to apply as soon as possible. We still estimate that there are hundreds of businesses which could receive this grant funding so please take the time to check out all the criteria listed on the Council websites.”
Professor Russel Griggs OBE, Chair of South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) added: “Collectively, we want to make sure as many businesses in the South are benefitting from national funds as possible. We are also encouraging businesses to make sure they know where to access the Scottish Government industry guidance for sectors getting back to work safely. This guidance is really important as we move forward, and is all being published on findbusinesssupport.gov.scot.”
How to apply
The Self-Employed Hardship Fund and Coronavirus Business Support Fund is being administered by the two local authorities in D&G and Scottish Borders via the following:
• Dumfries and Galloway Council - local helpline - 01387 260280
• Scottish Borders Council - - local helpline - 0300 100 1800
Funds issued to date
Almost £27million has been provided by Scottish Borders Council to Borders businesses; and £37 million from Dumfries and Galloway Council through the Scottish Government’s Business Support Fund to date. Over £260,000 has also been provided from SBC through the Newly Self-Employed Hardship Fund and £232,000 from D&G Council. This fund remains open for applications.