New South of Scotland start up launched to help care sector develop skills via virtual reality
A new tech start-up has been launched in the South of Scotland to help care workers develop fundamental skills needed by the adult health and social care sector.
Dumfries-based Care Reality has developed the world’s first manual blood pressure learning simulation within virtual reality, helping to create four new jobs.
Learners practice and demonstrate their ability to accurately measure and record a patient's vital signs, a fundamental skill needed for care workers.
The technology allowed remote learners to be assessed by a remote educator or learn with a remote colleague within the same virtual simulation, at the same time, from anywhere in the world.
CivTech Challenge winner
- Care Reality has evolved after predecessor TPD Development won a place on the CivTech Accelerator. CivTech is the Scottish Government’s challenge programme for innovation.
- The Challenge was co-sponsored by South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and Care Training Consultancy and aimed to help trainers assess skills and competence of learners within the care sector.
- CivTech looks to drive innovation in the public sector by collaboratively solving problems to make people’s lives better. It operates by offering a series of funded tendered annual ‘Challenges’ to industry to solve problems through a competitive procurement process.
- After successfully launching Care Reality at the CivTech Demo Day in February 2022, the company is now focused on transforming learning within adult social care by building the world’s first VR and learning platform and simulations, with SOSE providing support.
Care Reality’s Founder Ross Toomer
“With over 17% of the population now living within remote and rural areas, the need for a solution that allows access to clinical skills training on demand has never been more pressing.
“With Dumfries hosting Scotland’s first rural 5G connectivity hub, the inclusion of Care Reality within the region brings together new exciting technological expertise, research and local businesses.
“We believe we can help accelerate the potential of the South of Scotland to be an innovation hub which provides real tangible impact to communities and economies.
“Being part of the CivTech Challenge programme and working with SOSE and Care Training Consultancy has allowed Care Reality to be developed and will help care workers enhance their fundamental skills which are needed by the adult health and social care sector.”
SOSE Chief Executive Jane Morrison-Ross
“We were excited to co-sponsor the CivTech Challenge that has contributed to the development of innovative technological work by Care Reality.
“SOSE recognises the ability of innovation to positively impact and widely improve people’s lives in the South of Scotland, which is why we are committed to our partnership with CivTech.”