South of Scotland businesses encouraged to share thoughts on circular economy

South of Scotland businesses encouraged to share thoughts on circular economy

Businesses in the South of Scotland are being encouraged to take part in a survey on how they are reducing their environmental impact and becoming more sustainable.

The survey has been commissioned by Zero Waste Scotland and South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and is being carried out by Enscape Consulting, targeted at organisations large or small operating in the South of Scotland.

The short survey can be accessed via The survey is open until Friday 17 March.

This is the latest project in the landmark partnership between Zero Waste Scotland and SOSE that was announced in 2022, with the aim of working together to accelerate the South of Scotland’s circular economy ambitions. 

As part of the partnership, SOSE have appointed Lauren Doyle to a new role of Circular Economy Advisor, which is joint-funded by Zero Waste Scotland. The role will sit within the enterprise agency’s Net Zero, Nature and Entrepreneurship team. 

One of the priorities for the newly appointed advisor will be to take forward the findings of the survey and identify how these can be fed into the support offered by SOSE to local businesses. 

Dr Martin Valenti, Director of Net Zero, Nature and Entrepreneurship at SOSE, said:

“We are pleased to continue building on our productive partnership with Zero Waste Scotland to continue helping businesses in the South of Scotland.

“The appointment of a dedicated Circular Economy Advisor means SOSE is able to further develop its offering and support to businesses committed to a circular economy approach.

“I would encourage South of Scotland businesses to share their views on how they are reducing their environmental impact and becoming more sustainable.”

Louise McGregor, Head of Customer Service and Support at Zero Waste Scotland said:

“Zero Waste Scotland is delighted to be supporting South of Scotland Enterprise to embed circular economy approaches into how they support businesses and communities.

“This dedicated resource will help develop ‘place-based’ solutions that will design out waste and look to add value to all products and materials being used across the region.

“To kick off this work, we are looking for views from social enterprises and businesses to help identify what is already happening, and to understand how the partnership can support and nurture circular and sustainable models in the South of Scotland.”

Lauren Doyle added:

"I am really looking forward to starting this new Circular Economy role for the South of Scotland.

“Understanding the needs of businesses will be the first stage in driving long term, sustainable transformation to a sustainable, circular South of Scotland, which is fit for people and the planet now and in the future."