South businesses given chance to find out more on creating a thriving workplace culture
Businesses and organisations across the South of Scotland are being invited to find out more about the benefits of creating a thriving workplace culture.
We have joined forces with the Chambers of Commerce in both Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders for two Fair Work workshops next month.
The Dumfries & Galloway session takes place in Carmont House in Dumfries on Thursday 8 August, followed by the Scottish Borders session on Tuesday 22 August at Plexus in Kelso. Both workshops run from 10am to 2pm.
How do I sign up?
- Dumfries & Galloway session - sign up here
- Scottish Borders session - sign up here
What is Fair Work?
Fair Work is a commitment to giving everyone within an organisation ‘an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment, and respect’.
This means improving job quality, and ensuring every working person has a benchmark of what to expect in their workplace.
Benefits for businesses and organisations of adopting Fair Working practices include:
- Boosting overall organisational performance
- Increasing productivity
- Better employee retention
- Enhanced employee relations.
The sessions will involve interactive discussions with our Fair Work and Equalities Lead Seonaid Mann on global perspectives on how to create a thriving culture and practical takeaways including a toolkit of tips, templates and best practices.
Seonaid Mann profile
- Seonaid leads SOSE’s internal and external Fair Work and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agendas.
- As Co-Chair of the Scottish Borders Living Wage Action Group, she campaigns to encourage employers to see the long-term benefits of paying their employees a real living wage, which can help lift families out of in-work poverty, as well as making businesses more productive and profitable.
- Last year, she was a finalist in the Voice of the Year category at the Living Wage Scotland Awards.
Jane Morrison-Ross, Chief Executive of SOSE, added:
“SOSE is delighted to partner with both Chambers of Commerce in our region to host these Fair Work workshops.
“Fair Work is a new way of describing what good businesses have been doing for a long time – recognising that their people are key to success, profitability and growth.
“Fair Work can provide real, tangible benefits for both staff and businesses, and that benefits the local economy, local people and society.
“As well as both workshops, SOSE will be launching a new campaign next month which will bring to life the real benefits of Fair Working practices.”