SOSE’s five year plan launched to improve lives of local people
South of Scotland Enterprise has set out its six key priorities for the region over the next five years, which will aim to make the day to day lives of local people better.
The six key themes are included in SOSE’s first Five Year Plan covering 2023 to 2028, which have been shaped by engagement with the South’s businesses, social enterprises, community groups and members of the public.
Our Six A's
The key priorities which emerged from this process, which have been entitled the Six A’s are:
- Advancing innovation and improving productivity
- Accelerating Net Zero and nature-positive solutions
- Advocating for Fair Work and equality
- Attracting ambitious investment
- Awakening entrepreneurial talent
- Activating and empowering enterprising communities
The strategic plan identifies a number of more detailed areas of focus under each of the priorities making clear what SOSE will be doing to make progress for each one.
To read the Five Year Plan in full, click here.
Shaping the Five Year Plan
An engagement summary document, published in October 2022, highlighted SOSE’s efforts to gather local opinions to help shape the Plan.
Close to 750 people had their say on what they see as the opportunities and challenges for the south’s economy.
In addition, SOSE spoke with over 100 people from seldom heard groups, such as young people with additional support needs and armed forces veterans.
Engagement took place over a five month period through 25 public consultation events and a series of additional sessions for businesses and seldom heard groups.
The engagement also aimed to raise awareness of SOSE as a new public body and gather feedback about SOSE’s focus and performance to date.
The Five Year Plan also sets out how the South’s economic and community development agency will work to deliver for the South, ensuring that its values – being Inclusive, Responsible, Bold and Striving – continue to be at the heart of all the organisation does.
Chief Executive Jane Morrison-Ross said:
“It is a critical document not just for SOSE but we hope for all our partners and the people of the South of Scotland, making it clear where we will focus our efforts across the next five years.
“Specifically, it identifies six areas of strategic focus – our six A’s.
“Some of these priorities may seem complex but essentially each is about making a real and lasting difference for our people and places.
“It commits us to keep bringing people together, listening to them, and working with them to realise the great potential we all know the South of Scotland has, and helping us all to achieve more and to amplify our distinctive regional voice.”
Professor Russel Griggs, who has begun his second term as SOSE Chair this month, added:
“Since day one of SOSE, we have aimed to listen first, and do second.
“Our first ever Five Year Plan is an example of this approach, with the wide variety of views gathered, allowing us to create a document which focusses on the areas where we can really make a difference.
“However, our engagement efforts do not stop with the publication of the Five Year Plan, as we look forward to getting out to meet our region’s businesses, social enterprises, community groups and members of the public this summer at various events.”