Businesses invited to give their views on vision for Tweedbank
Local businesses are being invited to give their views on the future of Tweedbank.
An event is being held on Wednesday 23 August in the Inspire Learning Academy building at Tweedbank Station.
Those attending will be asked to give their thoughts on what the area around the Lowood Estate in Tweedbank should contain to allow businesses to grow and flourish.
In particular, there will be a focus on land use, buildings, transport and supporting facilities.
The event is being hosted by Scottish Borders Council (SBC), with support from South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE), Scottish Borders Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Business (FSB) and Business Gateway.
Attendees will hear from SBC as well as Fife Council, who have utilised the City Deal to boost its infrastructure.
The event runs from 9am to 12noon and registration is free but essential as capacity is limited.
Registration is available through EventBrite by searching ‘Tweedbank’ or clicking here.
Councillor Scott Hamilton, SBC’s Executive Member for Community and Business Development, said:
“This business event is an important step in engaging local and national businesses to help us map out short, medium and long term need for business space and facilities in the Scottish Borders.
“Through ongoing investment, including the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, its extremely accessible location and surrounding business land opportunities, Tweedbank is ideally placed to help deliver what businesses are looking for.
“I’d encourage all those with an interest to book their place and help us capitalise on these opportunities together.”
Professor Russel Griggs, Chair of SOSE, added:
“One of SOSE’s six priorities in our new Five Year Plan is attracting ambitious investment to the South of Scotland, in order to pave the way for new jobs, improved prospects, better connected places and more engaged people.
“Tweedbank has significant potential to attract investment for the benefit of the local community and wider Scottish Borders.
“Working with our partners we want to now hear from the local business community on what they believe is needed to help Tweedbank fulfil its potential.”
Neil Johnstone, Business Development Specialist at Business Gateway Scottish Borders, added:
“Business Gateway is delighted to be supporting this important event as, along with our partners, we provide support to help businesses start-up and grow.
“With excellent transport links, Tweedbank is an ideal location for a business to establish themselves and we are keen to discover what else start-ups need in order to locate themselves here.”
Garry Clark, FSB’s Development Manager for the East of Scotland, added:
“The Tweedbank development is a golden opportunity for the Borders to leverage funding from the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal to provide state of the art small business spaces to enable Borders businesses to grow and reach their full potential.
“This event will give local businesses a voice in the future of Tweedbank and the Federation of Small Businesses is fully behind this inclusive and flexible approach taken by Scottish Borders Council.”