Circular economy asset

South businesses given chance to create sustainable plan for future

On the eve of Scotland’s Climate Week, businesses in the South are being offered the chance to learn how to reap the benefits of becoming more sustainable at a new online workshop event. 

The free one-hour session aims to bust the jargon of sustainability to provide practical knowledge, tools, and actions for businesses to create a plan for a sustainable, circular future and a future proofed business. 

The workshop will be hosted by South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and Zero Waste Scotland, in celebration of their landmark partnership to accelerate the region’s circular economy ambitions. 

As part of the partnership, earlier this year SOSE appointed Lauren Doyle to a new role of Circular Economy Advisor, which is joint-funded by Zero Waste Scotland. 

Businesses can sign up to the circular economy workshop event which is being held on Tuesday 12 September from 11am-12noon here:  

Lauren Doyle said:  

“Moving towards a greener society is something we all must consider, to create a sustainable future for our businesses, individuals and planet.  

“The benefits go beyond planet saving however - considering how your business can become more sustainable helps you to engage with customers, attract and retain staff, reduce waste, and save money. 

“There are more demands than ever on businesses, but our workshop aims to give them the confidence, knowledge and practical steps to make meaningful change.” 

Scotland's Climate Week runs from 25 September to 10 October and encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to come together to show support for tackling the climate emergency. It is also a great opportunity to share success stories which can inspire others to take action. 

To find out more and get involved, visit