Publicity Policy
Before you start
If you have received a grant from us, we ask that you acknowledge our support publicly for the duration for the grant contract. If, for whatever reason, we do not require this, it will be discussed with you.
If you have already received grant funding from SOSE – this policy still applies to you and you should ensure you apply the requirements retrospectively.
As stated in your grant award letter (section 3.2/3.3) you must not issue any press release or make any announcement or statement regarding the grant and/or the project without our prior written consent. If you want to communicate that you have received funding please discuss with your SOSE advisor who will connect you with communications team to discuss how, when and who should be involved.
We encourage you to start planning your acknowledgement as soon as you receive a grant and contact your advisor at SOSE or email communications@sose.scot to discuss anything if you’re not sure. We do not expect you to contact us every time you want to mention SOSE in social media posts. If at any point you’re not sure, please just get in touch.
We will regularly publish grants we have awarded and include information relating to the grant on our website and in public records and other documents. Any commercially sensitive information relating to any grants may not be published and any request for such information should be done so via the Freedom of Information process.
If there are additional companies/organisations involved in delivering a construction/property-related project funded by SOSE, they should also acknowledge SOSE when discussing the project.
Our logo – and how to use it
Our logo is the primary visual element that identifies us. The marque is designed to represent collaboration and coming together to create something new and vibrant.
The full colour ‘Master’ logo should be used when appearing on a white background.
If needed, the logo can be reproduced in black and white or reversed out on the purple or blue brand colours.
Do not place the logo over busy images, patterns or colours that do not have sufficient contrast or make the visibility of the logo unclear. Print and screen versions of each logo are available.
Always use logos supplied and never adapt or recreate them.
We encourage you to download the high-resolution version of the logo in the appropriate format for your intention to ensure the logo is in line with our brand guidelines. Contact us if you need another format or guidance.
Download logos here.
Beyond the logo
Where it’s not possible to use our logo, please try and make sure acknowledgement is still in place. For example, use the wording Supported by South of Scotland Enterprise, or, where space is limited, Supported by SOSE.
Acknowledging your grant publicly means that wherever possible, signs showing our logo should be visible in public areas, both during your project and after completion.
Plaques and signs
Plaques and other permanent signs are a really good way of acknowledging your grant for the long term. Where possible - we ask that you display plaques showing our logo at an area that is visible to the public. e.g. a window, or entrance/public area.
Construction site boards
Site boards featuring our acknowledgement logo should be displayed during physical works, for example during:
- building restoration
- nature conservation
- large-scale landscape and townscape work
- physical works in parks
Once the work is completed, they should be replaced by permanent signage acknowledging our funding.
Site boards must be situated at site entrances, exits and at other points where they are clearly visible to the public.
We have site board designs available to download.
We may be able to provide a suitable sign from our stock, just speak to your advisor.
Other types of signs
Other signs may be more appropriate to your project such as free-standing signs, banners or stickers. Be creative and use our logo to produce signage appropriate for your project.
These can be used in many different ways for example to provide background acknowledgement during physical works, exhibitions, workshops or other activities.
We may be able to provide a suitable sign for you depending on the project – please discuss your requirements with your advisor.
Online and social media
Where possible, we expect to see our funding acknowledged online, including:
- on grantee websites and blogs, ideally by placing our logo on the homepage (the footer is fine) and linking it to our website
- on third-party websites and blogs mentioning a project funded by South of Scotland Enterprise
- on social media – by featuring our logo (e.g. on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts, in YouTube and Vimeo videos), mentioning South of Scotland Enterprise in narrative text. Please refer to @SOSEnterprise using #SOSE
Promotional material and publications
Grantees must include our logo on any form of promotional and printed materials relating to their project, for example:
- leaflets and brochures
- printed and electronic newsletters
- maps and posters
- postcards
- educational materials
- guidebooks
- annual reports
- emails and electronic cards
You must not issue any press release or make any announcement or statement regarding the Grant and/or the Project without our prior written consent. Contact us at communications@sose.scot
Use our logo whenever you advertise your project or a job vacancy funded by us.
Your SOSE grant must be acknowledged at any event that relates to an activity we have funded.
Our logo could be used on:
- plaques and other signage
- presentations
- invitations
- programmes
- brochures
- other promotional materials
Planning ahead together is the best way to make sure that both you and SOSE are happy with the outcome of launch events and other celebrations of your award. Please keep in touch with us about these opportunities.
You must acknowledge your SOSE support at any event you host which relates to an activity we have funded.
As well as using our logo on printed publicity materials and presentations, your grant should also be acknowledged verbally in any speeches and presentations, or when you explain what your project has achieved
Please let us know when your event or opening is taking place and invite our representatives to attend. You can discuss whom best to invite with us. We expect our VIP guests to make appropriate supportive speeches and add to your publicity in whatever way they can.
Media and public relations
Newspaper, radio, television and online coverage is an essential part of promoting your project and acknowledging your grant. Not only does it let people know about your success, it also brings to their attention how South of Scotland Enterprise’s support is making a difference.
You should acknowledge your grant in any press coverage for the duration of the grant contract, not just at the time of announcing the grant or when the project has been completed.
Before initiating or taking part in any promotion about work we have funded, you must get in touch with our Communications team at communications@sose.scot. Please keep them informed of any further press activities.
You must also let us know if your project is nominated for, or wins, any awards. Acknowledge our support in any speeches, interviews or press releases relating to the award.
We may be able to provide extra support and help, so please get in touch.
To request a high quality version of our logos for your projects please email communications@sose.scot or visit the Marketing and Media page.