What is South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE)?

SOSE is the economic and community development agency responsible for Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders. It was set up to address the distinct situation of this mainly rural area.

SOSE was launched in April 2020. Since then, it has supported businesses and communities in the South with grant support and a range of services, including training and enterprise advice.

Team SOSE are now developing programmes to help businesses, communities, social enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, as part of the next phase of the agency’s development.

Looking for business or community support?



Want to start or grow a business?

Businesses about Businesses
Businesses about Businesses
Kirroughtree Forest Visitor Centre: VisitScotland / PRImaging


Want to make a difference in your community?

Community about Community
Community about Community


Looking for documents, videos and other resources?

Resources about Resources
Resources about Resources

Our focus remains firmly on the wellbeing of our communities, economy, and our environment – its people, prosperity and the planet. Our message to anyone who may have an idea or needs support is – get in touch with us. Our support is tailored to you, and we are here to listen.

Jane Morrison-Ross, CEO, SOSE


SOSE is responsible for supporting economic and community development in the South of Scotland (Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders), just as Highlands & Islands (HIE) Enterprise is responsible for economic and community development in its area. Scottish Enterprise (SE) covers the remaining regions of Scotland. Unlike SE, SOSE and HIE also work with social enterprises and community groups, reflecting the distinct circumstances of these rural regions.

SOSE works closely with a wide range of partners at regional and national level.

For SOSE's key strategic partners, see About SOSE

For a list of partner organisations, see our public sector partners