South of Scotland Draft Regional Land Use Framework Duns

17 January 2024 18:00 - 20:00
- A Heart for Duns
- Volunteer Hall
- Duns
- TD11 3AF
The South of Scotland has been chosen by the Scottish Government as one of five Regional Land Use Partnership (RLUP) pilots, to help develop Scotland's approach to land use in support of our green recovery, the transition to net-zero, and to address the climate change and biodiversity emergencies.
Further details on the pilot can be found at:
The Draft Regional Land Use Framework (RLUF) has been developed under the RLUP pilot, following a period of extensive stakeholder engagement in 2022/23. The pilot is being co-ordinated by SOSE in partnership with Dumfries & Galloway Council and Scottish Borders Council, overseen by the Regional Economic Partnership.
There has been welcome input from many stakeholders across the region, which has greatly helped in the development of the RLUF.
We are holding a series of evening events to promote the Consultation on the draft RLUF. We invite you to come along to hear more about the draft Framework and to ask any questions you may have.
All organisations, communities and individuals are invited to attend to find out more. Further details and responses to the consultation can be submitted via the Consultation webpage at:
These events will run from 6.30 to 8pm.
Registration 18.00 – refreshments will be available on arrival.
Meeting 18:30 – 20:00
18:30 Welcome
18:35 Presentation on the Draft RLUF and consultation
19.00 Q&A
19.20 Consultation questions: Discussion at tables
19.50 Wrap-up, next steps and thanks
20:00 Meeting Ends
Further Information
Information and resources from the pilot can be found at:
About the organiser
The Regional Land Use Partnership Pilot is being led by the South of Scotland Enterprise – SOSE for short – the South of Scotland’s dedicated economic development agency, in partnership with Dumfries & Galloway Council and Scottish Borders Council.